
:life force that exists within and flows through all living things in harmony

meet your doula

Hello and welcome, my name is Candace and I am a birth and postpartum doula with a deep passion for empowering families. I believe that every pregnancy, delivery, and recovery is as unique and special as the baby being born, and it is a true honor to be a part of such a sacred and transformative time in a family's life. As a doula, my role is to provide support, education, and advocacy to families, so they can feel safe, informed, and confident in their birthing experience.

I understand that the transition to parenthood can be overwhelming and challenging, and I am here to offer a safe and supportive space where families can heal, process, and navigate this exciting but often intimidating time. I believe that how you are cared for and held during the fourth trimester is just as important as the birth itself.

I am a DONA International trained Birth and Postpartum doula by Bini Birth and Los Angeles Doula. I am committed to staying up to date on evidence-based practices for labor, delivery, and newborn care.. My focus is on guiding families to tap into their inherent intuition and promoting Livity, ensuring that every touch, moment, and breath is an integral part of the magic.

I am honored to serve as your doula and guide you through this transformative journey. Please feel free to contact me to learn more about how I can support you and your family.



Offerings 〰️

birth doula

Childbirth Education

Labor & Birth Support

Placenta Encapsulation